I got Sarah's pics. Now you can see, too.
Here's my 23 pound "red dog"! What a ham... she'd rather explore that thing Pastor was pointing at her than stay still for her picture.
You can see that she's got the "mottled" look on her head. That area is fully recovered from a bout with the demodex a couple of years ago.
This current bout began last July 4. Yes, it takes ages to get it all cleared up. Seems like all I've done is chase the critters from one spot to another for months.
You can see here where she's bald on her chest and inside her front legs. This is the area that is now starting to heal. When these little critters take up residence in her hair follicles, they shove the hair out. That process (that and them moving around) cause her to do a lot of "self-grooming" or licking. I'm sure glad her tongue is smooth.
Sometimes, she develops little pustules. Those, she will bite, causing them to become open wounds. Thakfully, since last Wednesday, there have been no new pustules, and the old ones are all scabbed over. I don't know yet if this is related to her new dietary supplement.
Some of what you see on her legs is left over from her last bout. The hair never really fully recovered. I don't know yet whether she'll ever have full coat on her legs. That's something we'll deal with in time.
The good news right now is that there are no open sores. All the little "bumps" are scabbed over, and she's no longer spending long sessions licking her legs. You can't imagine the sound of her licking so much in the middle of the night!
Her activity level has been much higher this past week. We've had 3 play sessions daily for the last 5 days. Those have sometimes lasted nearly an hour, with her only stopping occasionally to scratch.
She's also getting more used to being "loved". Since she's associated petting, and spending quality time on the bed with "getting something done to her", she's been very wary. We're working hard now to change her feelings.
One last picture. This one is of a spot on her side where the hair has begun to fall out, but as yet, no pustules have occurred. If this spot begins to heal (grow fur), then I will know for sure that the supplement is working. That will demonstrate that the process can be first stopped and then reversed.
Sarah is getting 3/4 capsule per day of a product called StemEnhance. It's made for humans, but is purported to be good for any mammal, or bird. It's made from Bluegreen Algae. You can read more about it here, or simply call toll-free 877-728-9708 for more information.