Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wow! I'm in my element now...

Would you look at all this snow? Got my human to take a pic of me and my buddies.

This fell yesterday while I was "lounging".

I do say it's a little chilly on the "city paws" yet. As you can see though, my coat is getting better. Thought I'd freeze when I first got here.

Oh, about that "lounging" thing... I've discovered the beds. The other day, I even tried "Grandma's" bed... got yelled at. Must be an off limits area.

You just don't know how much fun it is to make the humans sleep kitty-corner or AROUND me. My half is the one in the middle.

By the way, you really need to see what the women are up to... they've been doing all kinds of crazy things like shredding up paper, cutting up cardboard, even cutting us short on treats from time to time... something about building a nursery of sorts.

Yesterday, they moved some stuff to the basement. I'm not wild about stairs, but both Koda and Coco went to investigate... so far they're not real sure about what's happening either.


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