Monday, January 23, 2006

The stuff has arrived, and Sarah has had her first go at it...

Time will tell now how she reacts.

She's so picky. I took the capsule and opened it. I spread it on a slice of processed cheese and cut that into four pieces so she gets 1/4 capsule at least a couple of times a day.

Now, she really likes cheese, and she did take this from my hand, so that's good news. Generally, if I want to give her something, I really have to work to disguise it.

Pastor took the pictures Sunday evening, but I've not yet received them. Here's a picture of her taken a couple years ago. You can see the bald spot on her back.

All week-end she either slept, or whined and scratched, or had me scratch her gently.

I really have hope that this will first calm her symptoms. If it does that, then I'll give her a medicated bath to wash as many of the little critters down the drain as possible. That's always one of the "short-term" fixes... bathe with medicated soap.

Just as soon as the new pictures arrive, I'll get them posted. Then you'll see where she's got bare skin on her chest and under her front legs, as well as scabs on the backs of her front legs. In short... she's a mess.

Now you can see why, if this stuff works, I'll be shouting from the roof-tops.


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